e-Meal Redemption System (eMERS) Workshop 2016
Date: 24 February 2016
Venue: CALMS Technologies Office, UPM-MTDC, Serdang
Title: Electronic Meal Redemption System Workshop (eMeRS)
CALMS Technologies organized a mini workshop to introduce electronic Meal Redemption System (eMeRS) to a group of participant on 24 February 2016 at CALMS office. The event provided the opportunity for the participants to have an in-depth understanding on how the system works.Each participant was issued with a smart card, printed out with their details and personal photo. Participants have to tap their card on the reader to get their attendance captured and to experience the meal redemption. The workshop gives all of them opportunity to view all the transactions ‘live’ from the system.eMers is the system that enhances and simplifies redemption process with the emergence of cashless transactions. With eMers, it helps organization to:
• Manage process of providing meal subsidy to user in cashless and convenient environment
• Support meal allowance subsidy according different to HR policy
• Enabling the management of all human presence applications with one card
• Enhancing security, efficiency and cost effectiveness